With TextNow, you can change your card on your account at any time, and make other adjustments to your payments and account balance, from the app or from your Account page on TextNow.com.
How to Update Payments
Head to your My Account page on TextNow.com, then scroll down to the Payments section and select Payment Methods to get to this page:
From this page you'll be able to edit or remove a card already associated with your account, add a new card to use as the default payment option, and add money to your account balance for use in future payments or for international long distance calling.
Add Money to your Account Balance
1. Click the Add Money button in the banner at the top of the page (shown on the Payment Methods page above).
2. Click on the amount you'd like to add to your account balance ($5, $10 or $20).
3. Click Continue to charge the Primary card you have on file with us for the amount chosen.
Updating Cards
Edit an Existing Card:
From the Payment Methods page above, click the Edit button on the card you want to update to edit the card information (cardholder name, expiry date, and billing address for the card).
Delete a Card:
From the Payment Methods page above, find the card you want to delete and click Remove. Note that you cannot remove your Primary card, and you need to have at least one card on file to use with your TextNow account.
Add a New Card:
From the Payment Methods page above, click on + ADD NEW CREDIT CARD and enter your card information. If you would like that card to be your Primary, check the box for Make This My Primary Card.