Blocking Phone Numbers
One of the features on TextNow allows our users to block phone numbers who are making unwanted calls and sending unwanted text messages. There are a few different ways that you can block the phone number.
You can text #STOP to any number on any carrier or platform (not just TextNow) to prevent the person from sending you any further calls or messages. To unblock the number, you can text #UNBLOCK to the number.
You can also block the number directly in the app. To do this, follow the steps below:
- Tap on the conversation or call log from the number you want to block
- Use the drop-down menu (it’s the icon with the three dots in the top right-hand corner) and choose Block Number
- To unblock the number, choose Unblock Number from that same menu, or tap Unblock at the bottom of the conversation with the blocked number.
This block feature is available to both TextNow users who wish to block numbers as well as non-TextNow users who wish to block unwanted calls or messages from TextNow users.
Please see this article for more detailed information about how to block numbers.
Log Out of All Devices:
TextNow has added the ability to log out of all the other devices your account is currently logged into, right from the main menu in the TextNow app or from This is very useful for the times you forgot to log out of your home computer or other devices, as it prevents people from using your account accidentally.
This setting is currently available on our Android app and also on your online Settings page on
Please see this article for detailed information about how you can log out of all devices.
Reporting Spam:
At TextNow, we understand that not everyone uses the internet for good. We are working hard to prevent users from utilizing our service unlawfully, but we often depend on our users to help us identify these spammers and now we've made it easier to report.
If you receive an unsolicited link or message from a person who is not in your contact list you'll see an option to Report the number.
Please see this article for more detailed information about how you can report spam.