Your ICCID is printed on your TextNow SIM card and SIM card holder. If your SIM card is already in your phone you can copy it from your settings. Generally, the ICCID will be a 19 digit string.
1. Open your Settings App
2. Tap on About Device or About Phone
3. Tap on Status or SIM Status
4. To Copy your ICCID press and hold the 19 digits
5. A small box will appear saying Copy. Make sure the whole number is highlighted. Press Copy.
1. Open your Settings App
2. Tap on General
3. Tap on About, scroll down to your ICCID
4. To Copy your ICCID, press and hold the 19-digit string
5. A small box will appear saying Copy. Press Copy
This doesn't work on my phone!
Don't worry! The ICCID should also be written directly onto your SIM card. Pop the card out of your device and you should be able to read the numbers.
Why do you need my ICCID?
Great question! We need your ICCID in order to check that your SIM card is compatible with our service. We'll also need it in order to attach your service to your device.
How can I check if my phone is compatible?
Head on over to our device checker and enter your MEID. You'll know instantly if your phone can work on TextNow.